Thursday, February 05, 2015

The Smokescreen of Choice on Contraception in the Third World

A recent study suggests that there is an epidemic of unmet need for contraception.

New York even calls it "a contraception crisis".

What did the study find?

The researchers found that, compared with the use of these modern methods, there was a 2.7 times greater likelihood of an unwanted pregnancy from traditional methods of contraception. Failing to use any method contraception, whether traditional or otherwise, was associated with over 15 times the risk of undesired pregnancy.

You can read the article here.

Did anybody bother to ask the women what they thought about having a so-called unwanted pregnancy?  Did anybody check to see if they accepted their children and were happy?

Did anybody bother to ask these women if they preferred another method than the modern ones?

It's just assumed throughout the paper that women around the world should just want to use so-called "modern" methods of contraception, and if they don't, they're unhappy or putting themselves at risk.

I love just loved contraceptive colonialism.

Here's an idea. Maybe the risk shouldn't be calculated in terms of contraceptive usage, but how much access they have to healthcare.

Because that's what's really important, isn't it? Whether a woman is able to access a practitioner when she needs one.

I'm not access controlling fertility-- through moral methods of course.

But maybe these women have their own reasons for not using a given contraception, and they're perfectly valid.

This is why I never liked choice as an ideology. It's promoted to women in the West as a panacea for their problems. But really, it allows people with other motives to foist their intentions on others.