Friday, November 21, 2014

Abby Johnson Pleads for Death Row Inmate's Life


You do not have to dig deep into Panetti’s case before the extent of his mental illness becomes apparent. At Panetti’s trial, he chose to represent himself. As his life hung in the balance, he dressed up in a cowboy suit and tried to subpoena Jesus Christ, the pope and John F. Kennedy. His trial was a farce, and it is disturbing that such a flawed process was sufficient to sentence someone to death.

From AFP:

Scott Panetti, who has had schizophrenia for three decades, has won support for his case from groups like Mental Health America, psychiatrists, former judges and prosecutors and evangelical Christians.

I decided to see if there was a petition to spare him life. Indeed there is. Please sign it and pass it on.

The Twitter hashtag is #SaveScott .