NZ Green Party Succeeds in Campaign to Criminalize Dairy Cow Abortions
But human abortions should be completely legal, of course:
In fact, at the height of the calf induction debate, former Green MP Sue Kedgley called the practice "inhumane and cruel".
She went on to call for the removal of induction-drugs from the market place. Finally, she claimed vets who carried out inductions were surely engaged in "a breach of their code".
She never mentioned whether human induction was "inhumane and cruel". Nor did she talk about the need to get human induction drugs off the market.
She didn't talk about the duty of care all doctors have towards human life, and how they must surely be in breech of that as they snuff out little lives day after day in human induction clinics.
What Kedgley had done, a year before, was give a speech advocating human induction, saying "it's incredible that abortion is still such a contentious and divisive issue".