This pro-abort article raises an interesting question about whether counter-protests are useful at abortion clinics.
Some years ago, the local abortion supporters used to counter-protest 40 Days for Life in Ottawa.
Every day during the campaign, we'd see them. The pink shirts would try to stop the sidewalk counselor from getting to the patients.
And they eventually stopped.
To me, they looked bored, horribly bored, most of the time.
I felt a little sorry for them.
Ottawa vigilers have something to do: pray. Sometimes they chat (we're not supposed to!), but there's a lot of praying.
So silence is inactivity is not a bad thing for us.
To the opposition? It's death.
I think that the zeal died among our opponents because they couldn't see the point in being there. There was basically no action. And nothing deterred us.
One pro-life activist pointed out to me that there was one silver lining to their counter-protest, and that's if a woman felt bad on the way out of the clinic and needed help, there were people there who could assist her.