Friday, December 13, 2013

CDC: Over 90% of Cases of HIV in Young Men (13-24) Linked to Homosexual Sex

This slide show from the CDC is eye-opening.

It contains pie charts with stats about HIV and young people (aged 13-24).

From a social conservative standpoint, a lot of this is predictable.

Men make up three-quarters of all cases.

Over 90% of new cases are due to male-to-male sexual contact.

In females, over 90% of new cases are due to heterosexual contact.

Blacks make up the majority of new HIV cases. 

Blacks make up over 60% of the total diagnosed cases.

If we were to cut the number of sexual acts down by half (I'm not even talking about full blown chastity!) I'm certain the HIV rate would go down.

But no, let's keep pushing condoms as a solution.