Formatted for easier reading:
But although all the angels are doubtless most happy, and wonderfully
resplendent with the glory of every divine gift, yet those are called
"Seraphim" who burn with the flames of love:
the others "Cherubim" who
shine with the splendour of knowledge:
those are named " Thrones" who
enjoy an inexpressible tranquillity in the divine contemplation:
"Dominations" who rule this lower world, as the ministers of a mighty
others "Powers," because they do signs and wonders by the
command of their Almighty Lord:
others "Principalities," because they
have power over the kings and princes of the world:
some again are named
"Archangels," because they assist the prelates of the Church:
and many,
in fine, are called " Angels," since they are the guardians and
protectors of all that live upon the earth.
--St. Robert Bellarmine, The Eternal Happiness of the Saints