Wednesday, August 10, 2011

CORRECTION: Linda Gibbons August arrest not related to 1994 “temporary” injunction

TORONTO, Ontario, August 10, 2011 ( - In last week’s LifeSiteNews on Aug. 4 and Aug. 5 reports regarding the latest arrest of Linda Gibbons, it was stated that she was arrested for refusing to comply with the 1994 “temporary” injunction. In fact, LifeSiteNews has learned today that a different injunction applies at the “Morgentaler Clinic” at 727 Hillsdale Ave. E. in Toronto.

On April 4, 1989 when the original Toronto Morgentaler Clinic was still operating at 85 Harbord St, abortionist Henry Morgentaler launched a $1 million lawsuit against pro-life activists Denise Wiche, Tom Brown, Ann Packer, Dan McCash and Joe Bissonnette. While the case proceeded, the Harbord St. location was firebombed in 1992. Police eventually found the prime suspect to be a father enraged over the abortion of his baby at the Morgentaler Clinic. He was never formally charged and tried since he become mentally very unstable and murdered his parents on the front lawn of their home. In the meantime, the pro-life movement was unjustly blamed by Canada’s media and abortion activists for the firebombing.

Following the firebombing, the provincial government provided substantial financial and security resources that enabled Morgentaler to open a new abortion mill at the higher quality and more secure location on Hillsdale Ave. The province went so far as to provide 10 years free rent that totaled about $5 million. The new clinic was also given an additional $450,000 of taxpayer money for security services.

The facts about the provincial government largesse were discovered by Frank Kennedy, a reporter for the pro-life newspaper, The Interim, in response to a freedom of information request that he submitted to the government. His information was later included in a report by Canada Free Press that was published almost verbatim in the Ottawa Citizen on October 5, 1999.

In addition to the full financing of his abortion business, Morgentaler also gained a new permanent injunction against any pro-life protesting at the location. The injunction includes an unusually large 500-foot bubble zone within which all pro-life activity is prohibited. This legal straightjacket against free speech appears to have been facilitated in some way by the original lawsuit against the five pro-life activists launched in 1989.

LifeSiteNews is attempting to discover more details regarding the Hilldale Ave. injunction and will report them as they become available. Gibbons’s defense lawyer, Daniel Santoro, currently also has very little information about this injunction and is seeking full details in order to be able to defend his client.

The August 4 and August 5 LifeSiteNews reports have been corrected to reflect the updated information.