Friday, April 01, 2011

Fr. Luis Arriaga's presentations in Ottawa CANCELLED (not an April Fool's!)

I love you Archbishop Terry!!!

Way to go SoCon or Bust for their investigative blogging!!!
Development and Peace: fetal rights are human rights. You can't be a Catholic organization and then give money to organizations that want to oppress our unborn brothers and sisters. You might as well learn that lesson now.

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I wonder if there will be any blow back. The fact remains that it was Development and Peace who facilitated the situation in the first place. The rot and corruption therein is still latent. Unless a total housecleaning is effectuated, D+P will spawn more of this stuff in the future. This battle was won but the war still rages on.
The article stated; "Since the Centre’s support of groups in favour of abortion rights in Mexico is incompatible with the Church’s defence of the right to life from conception to natural death and the mission of Development and Peace," am I to think that the Archbishop said that to be in favor of abortion rights in Mexico is ALSO incompatible with the mission of Developement and Peace?? So, the Archbishop is clearly making the point that Developement and Peace had BETTER have the rights and protection of the unborn as their mission, correct? It sounds like, to me, that he is putting D&P in their place, and making a point to them that they'd better "fly right". I hope this is the case anyway.
"Professional Catholics"run D+P while the CCCB smoke cigars and drink sherry.
Big Picture's avatar

Big Picture · 708 weeks ago

"the goal of Development and Peace in favour of the poor of the world be in the forefront of our Lenten almsgiving and remain a key aspect of our path toward renewal at Easter." May I also remind you that this quote is taken directly from the letter you also quote above; hardly putting "THEM" in their place if he is reminding you to continue your almsgiving to D&P.

Let me also make clear that "The work of PRODH is to defend cases where there have been violations of human rights, abuses of power and political repression, and injustice. Their work is not related to women’s reproductive health, abortion or contraception."
4 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
Fr. Luis Arriaga signed a document that promoted legalized child killing, but we're all supposed to act like that's not a big deal. We are all supposed to psychicly know that he didn't *really mean* to support abortion rights, even though he signed this document.

I note that fetal rights are constantly marginalized by D&P. Nobody has ever come out and said "I support legal protection for unborn children from conception." Statements related to abortion and pro-life issues are made to be ambiguous and open to interpretation so that the impression is given of supporting fetal rights, when no such support exists.
Big Picture's avatar

Big Picture · 708 weeks ago

D&P does NOT support abortion; it is a Catholic organization. Please keep in mind though that by accusing D&P of being ambiguous and supporters of abortion, their true work is marred. D&P has done so much good in so many parts of the world. It is unfortunate that all their good works are overlooked by turning something into an abortion issue where it does not exist. If you are personally concerned about fetal rights, then lobby your government; let us know the positive works you are doing to further the rights of the unborn, rather than making accusations toward D&P, who are merely tring to efffect change by providing the means to social justice to all of God's people.
D&P does NOT support abortion

It does not come out in favour of fetal rights.

Please keep in mind though that by accusing D&P of being ambiguous and supporters of abortion, their true work is marred

I said that D + P did not come out in support of fetal rights. Please keep that straight. It's one thing to not support abortion. A Catholic group is *obligated* to support fetal rights. Which D+P does not appear to.

It is unfortunate that all their good works are overlooked by turning something into an abortion issue where it does not exist.

Because their work is done, and please understand this is the crux here-- AT THE EXPENSE OF FETAL RIGHTS. When you give money to groups that *lobby* for legalized child-killing, it goes into the same bank account that pays their overhead, and allows them to fight against the rights of unborn children. *The ends do not justify the means*.
If you are personally concerned about fetal rights, then lobby your government;

You're trying to make this about me. It's not about me. D+P is an officially Catholic organization that gives monetary support to groups that support violating the rights of unborn children. You don't build on the rights of some at the expense of others.

, who are merely tring to efffect change by providing the means to social justice to all of God's people.

They're not trying to bring justice to the unborn. Which is the whole point. As Archbishop Prendergast said (see blogpost today) D+P has to demonstrate support for the right to life of unborn children. Every Catholic has to.
Big Picture's avatar

Big Picture · 708 weeks ago

The concern was raised because Fr. was seen in a picture interacting with a woman who was an event that had nothing to do with the abortion issue. If this is the evidence on which we are passing judgment, then ensure you know you you appear in a picture with, make sure you know the intimate details of your friends' and colleagues lives. Development & Peace is an organization supporting social justice change, not one that in any way supports abortion. It is unfortunate that due to a photo, many of the peasant, indigenous Mexican people are suffering from a lack of funding which otherwise would have helped women and babies and children.

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