Saturday, March 05, 2011

QUOTATION: God's Attributes

I'm publishing this because so many Catholics don't seem to get it:

We find in all creatures diversities which distinguish them one from another, but the purity of God's Essence admits of no distinction; so that His Being is His Essence, His Essence is His Power, His Power is His Will, His Will is His Understanding, His Understanding is His Being, His Being is His Wisdom, His Wisdom is His Justice, His Justice is His Mercy. And though the last two attributes are differently manifested, the duty of mercy being to pardon, that of justice to punish, yet they are one and the same power.

--Bl. Louis de Granada, The Sinner's Guide

Taken from The Catholic Breadbox, my Catholic quotations blog.

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Julie Culshaw's avatar

Julie Culshaw · 723 weeks ago

One of my favourite books is Secrets of a Prayer Warrior by Derek Prince and his part on intecessory prayer seems a propos your post:
"An intercessor must have an absolute conviction of God's righteousness, but he must be absolutey convinced also that God will judge the wicked. There is no room for a kind of milk-and-water religion that thinks God is too kind to judge sin. Anybody who thinks like that cannot qualify to be an intercessor. An intercessor has to have a crystal-clear vision of the absolute justice and inevitability of God's justice."
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Where can I get that book?
Ask sincerely and with true remorse for mercy and He will be waiting for you in the road.Justice is the allowance of Free Will to choose ones own destination.People, thanks to a complete perversion of Vatican II,poor to zero catechesis,rotten fluffy kumbaya sermonizing and Bishops who are more like politicians who know how to negotiate a cocktail party,have forgotten the stunning reality of Hell.Eternity.Forever without God in excruciating agony with that knowledge.It is not called the Outer Darkness for nothing.Why are the confessionals empty except for the same few.How can people eat His Body and drink His Precious Blood in a state of filth?Pope Paul VI was prescient about the "smoke of Satan".
Some will choose to have their heaven on earth but 80 years vs eternity is a very poor trade.The consequences to that decision will be horrific.ALL will be subject to his Mercy and Judgement no matter what they do or do not believe in.One's personal belief or disbelief about His existence is really quite irrelevant.He believes in YOU.At the final judgement try to stay away from the goaty side.
Seems to me that you're just frustrated because not all Catholics agree with you on everything. Why is that, I wonder? Sometimes.
9 replies · active 723 weeks ago
We're all supposed to agree on certain beliefs, Janus. That's the nature of Catholicism. If you don't get that, you don't get Catholicism.
Hurpadurp's avatar

Hurpadurp · 723 weeks ago

Maybe, but it's fun to watch.
Great comment.Really helpful and illuminating.A little mean but what the heck.
"We're all supposed to agree on certain beliefs..."

You're not bees or ants. You're people. People think for themselves, whether you like it or not. And not liking it won't change it.
Catholics who don't agree with the teachings of the Church are lousy Catholics who should leave rather than trying to change the Church into their OWN image rather than Christ's.80% of "Catholics"are Catholic in Name Only.Cafeteria Catholics.Cultural Catholics or Ethnically Catholic-they are purely mirror worshipers who probably should be Druids or Buddhists but I am not convinced they would be welcomed..They neither attend mass nor are properly catechised,and wouldn't understand humility nor submission to Truth if it hit them on the head.We need a MUCH smaller Church before we can fully represent Christ as His Body in this broken world.You CAN'T be Catholic and Pro-Death.Period.You are in a state of mortal sin.If one assists in ANY way with the procurement of an abortion one is automatically self-excommunicated as are many Catholic politicians who have voted for Poor Choice.
Opus Dei. I thought so.
By the way, janus, what is your problem with Opus Dei? You seem to want to throw it up as a negative, I do not know why you would, unless you have something against the teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ., and Truth. Do you?
Ignore her.In the thread preceding this one she admitted not understanding OD.She thinks she's being clever.She is only revealing her own vast ignorance of the Depth of the Catholic Faith.Physical penance is rarely allowed to adherents of that demanding Order but I believe she assumes they are all self-mutilating flagellants or masochists.I wish that I had the courage and spirit of self denial that is required of those members of OD whose prayer and self-sacrifice are a balm to Our Lord and a strength to his Body on earth.
I don't have the courage or selflessness to be a member.I doubt very much if any Opus Dei member could be bothered with the triviality in the greater scheme of things in posting to a website,no matter how good as this one is.
Catholic means "universal" with regard to belief and adherence thereof.
I was just listening to Fr. John Corapi, on EWTN, give a teaching on these very things. He was talking about the fact that some of the priests, who God entrusts His children to, have led them astray, and for that they will receive, as Fr. Corapi puts it, a much lower place in hell, because, much grace has been given to them, and to those whom much has been given, much is required. He did put much on the shoulder of the priesthood, but, there is in scripture too, the teaching that the people get the teachers and rulers that they deserve. If we do not pray for our priests, bishops and pope, then we have done them a disservice as well, and they are left without the ammunition of our prayers to strengthen and "watch their backs" if you will. Remember, satan and his cohorts are always gunning for him. +JMJ+

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