Thursday, February 10, 2011

STUDY: Anal HPV Virus more common in MSM

From an abstract (Formatted for easier reading):

Background. An increasing incidence of anal cancer among men suggests a need to better understand anal canal human papillomavirus (HPV) infection among human immunodeficiency virus-negative men. [...]

Results. (...) Anal canal HPV prevalence was 12.2% among 1305 MSW and 47.2% among 176 MSM.

Homosexual activity was associated with a four-fold greater risk for anal HPV.

But there's no evidence whatsoever that homosexual activity is harmful.

Among MSW, reporting a lifetime number of ≥10 female sex partners, a primary sexual relationship <1 year in duration, and a prior hepatitis B diagnosis were independently associated with detection of any anal HPV in multivariable analysis

So if you're in a long-term relationship with a woman, you haven't slept with more than ten women in your life, you're likelihood of getting an STD is greatly decreased.

Sounds like following Christian sexual ethics is better for your health than sleeping around.

Among MSM, a younger age, reporting ≥2 male anal sex partners in the past 3 months, and never using a condom for anal sex in the past 6 months were independently associated with detection of any anal HPV in multivariable analysis.

So for MSW to be at greater risk, they need greater than at least 10 partners. For MSM, they need at least 2 partners.

But there's no evidence whatsoever that homosexual behaviour is more unhealthy...

Conclusions. Number of sex partners was associated with anal HPV infection in both MSW and MSM. Anal HPV infection in men may be mediated by age, duration of sexual relationship, and condom use.

Conclusion: Sleeping around outside of marriage is potentially hazardous to your health.

Question: how many people who use a condom still get anal HPV? That would be an interesting study.