Thursday, October 14, 2010

Attention Residents of HAMILTON: Important Catholic School Trustee Candidate Information

PEACE Supporters have gathered information on those candidates who are for and against the Dalton McGuinty Equity Strategy which would endanger the faith of Catholics and Christians.

Support those candidates who are AGAINST it. You are encouraged to pass on this information to concerned Catholic voters in the Hamilton area.

Wards 1 and 2

Agro, Louis: In favor of it.

Linger, Paula: Wasn't sure what it is all about.Wasn’t for or against.

Valvasori, Mark: In favor of it.

Wards 3 and 4

Agostino, Ralph: Very much against it.

Milazzo, Calogero: Against it.

Nestor, Brian: Uncertain

Ward 5

Agostino, Sam (Son of Ralph Agostino in ward 3 & 4): Against it

Ciotti, Frank:  Partly for & partly against

DiBartolomeo, Linda: Left a message but have not received an answer.

Ward 6

Ecker, Michael:  Evasive

Fr. Kennedy, Kyran: Very Much against

Pellegrino, Nick: Against

Ward 7

Daly, Patrick: Very much against it.

Ward 8

Freiburger, John: Very much in favor of it.

Kolenko, Raphael: Partly in favor & partly against

Manchia, Sergio: Against

Valvasori, John: Favors it.

Wards 9, 10 and 11

Antony, Saji: Against it.

Bartolotti, Raymond: Against it.

DiBrizzi, Anthony: Half for it & half against it.

DiFrancesco, Paul: Against it.

Lohin, Dan: Against it.

Nardini, Mary: Partly for and partly against.

Wards 12, 13, 14 and 15

Cornale, Carolyn: Against it.

D'Angelo Rome: Against it.

Parisi-Strecker, Dave: Against it.

And in the French sector...

Conseil Scolaire public de district du Centre-Sud-Ouest

Wylde, Micheline: Has been working for it.

Conseil Scolaire de district catholique Centre-Sud

Levesque, Marcel: Against it.