Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Closer to the truth than we'd like to admit...


Overheard at a local shopping mall:

Jan: "Marsha! How are you girl? I haven't seen you in ages."

Marsha: "Hey Jan, you're looking great. How've you been?"

Jan: "Just peachy. Hey, guess what? I'm going to have a fetus!"

Marsha (excited): "That's wonderful! Oh, I'm so happy for you. Isn't it a blessing having parasites growing in us?"

Jan: "Yes, but I have to confess—I'm jealous. I wanted to have twins too."

Marsha: "Oh, I only have one now. Greg didn't get his promotion so we decided to selectively reduce one of them."

Jan: "Aww . . . well, that's a valid choice. I was hoping to have two fetuses because this one is going to be used to harvest donor tissue for Alice. It took us forever to find an IVF facility that would help us with a designer fetus"

Marsha: "I'm glad everything worked out. So when is it due?"

Jan: "My doctor says I'll be delivering sometime in October."

Marsha: "No, I mean when's it due to become a human."

Jan: "Oh, well, Bobby and I draw the line sometime within the first few weeks after birth."


Read the whole thing!