Monday, July 26, 2010

I can't get over how blind they are

I was reading a post at the Abortion Gang about how television shows don't promote abortion.

It was a pretty inspid post, because the conclusion was that poor-choicers should continue to speak out against it. Well DUH.

Poor-choicers don't seem to get what it is that drives people to reject abortion. It's like they all think that this rhetoric about "choice" and "being supportive of women's decisions" will pull the wool over people's eyes.

They don't get that all the poor-choice rhetoric in the world doesn't change this one fact:

abortion is the killing of innocent human life.

And that's how the majority of American teens feel.

So pop culture is going to go along with that, because advertizers don't want to alienate their market.

I just cannot get over how they treat the "abortion is murder" ethical problem as some kind of ancillary issue, like it's not central to their problem with pushing abortion.

Their comeback is to say that since women are the ones caring for the baby, women get a say over who gets to live in their uterus.

The problem with that idea is that it neglects the fact that the woman is the MOTHER of the baby, and therefore has a moral responsibility to that child. That she did not choose to create this child does not elimiate the relationship.

The second problem is that even if we eliminate the issue of the mother's relationship to the child, killing some unwanted resident of one's uterus is an extreme and callous solution to a problem.

It's like a woman's feelings or circumstances justify taking a human life.

Poor-choicers are so focused on their gynocentric ideology, that they forget the concerns of anyone else.

They are completely blind to the interests of the fetus, and they don't address those interests.

The more intelligent members of the movement know that. The rest don't care. They just do not care what happens to another prenatal human being. If the baby has to die in the name of women's empowerment, well too bad baby. Who cares, it's just a human life, right?