Sunday, June 13, 2010

Society of Obstetricians/Gynecologists Supports Canada's Maternal Health Initiative

Lifted from Run with Life:

Dr. Jean Chamberlain who founded "Save the Mothers" says “When I was in Uganda I heard that the G20 was focusing on maternal/child health and I just about cried,” in an interview at the Society of Obstetrician and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC) annual meeting.

While abortion might be a politically debate in Canada, Dr. Chamberlain, with her international experience, said: “Most of these countries won’t accept money for abortion anyway.” And providing adequate maternal and family-planning care will actually drop the 70,000 unsafe abortions that go on in the world each day. “Let’s stop unsafe abortions,” she said.

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The countries that would receive maternal health aid are, without a doubt, the ones driven by military dictatorships and/or tribal conflicts. I find it difficult to believe that Africa wouldn't be able to maintain its own populations if tribalism and conquest disappeared. It is racism that drives the push for abortion.

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