Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Islamic Scholar Issues Fatwa Against Terrorism

I don't know how much this will effect anything, but always happy to promote Muslim voices against terrorism:

I have been compelled to issue a fatwa - a comprehensive theological refutation of Islamist terrorism - because of what has been happening in Pakistan over the past year. Terrorists are bombing mosques during Friday prayers, they are burning schools, killing women. They are digging bodies out of graves, cutting off their heads and hanging the bodies from trees.

My 600-page fatwa is based on all four schools of jurisprudence: Hanafi, Shafii, Hanbali and Maliki, and the Shia school of Jafari. I have consulted hundreds of classical Islamic texts, the scholars, fiqh and the Hadith. The main theme is this: any act of terrorism such as suicide bombing cannot be justified in any way. There are no conditions, no pretexts or exemptions. It is condemned by the Quran and the Sunna.