In his homily this morning, Mgr Scicluna spoke on the relationship between Jesus and children, saying that the church had always had a special care and solicitude for children and the weak.
Quoting St. Gregory the Great, Mgr Scicluna suggested that sex abuse sins were especially heinous when committed by priests.
"After having taken a profession of holiness, anyone who destroys others through words or deed would have been better off if their misdeeds had caused them to die in secular dress, rather than, through their holy office, being imposed as an example for others in their sins. Without doubt, if they had fallen all by themselves, their suffering in Hell would be easier to bear."
The remedy to such scandals offered by God as the "Divine Surgeon," according to Mgr Scicluna, was to "cut out [disease] in order to heal," and to "amputate in order to restore health."
It was widely reported that he said that abusers are going to hell.
I'm sure it was a misquote. But I sure like the attitude!
Here's an interview with Monsignor Charles Scicluna on the sex abuse scandal and how the Vatican operates on this matter.