Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Fetus During an Abortion: The Elephant in the Room

Steph wrote a post at Abortion Gang in an attempt to dispel the misconceptions about what happens during an abortion.

She starts off:

How many times have you heard antis say, “if only she knew what happens during an abortion, she wouldn’t do it!” I hardly think that’s the case. Most abortion clinics review what happens in the procedure with a patient beforehand, giving her ample time to ask questions and voice her concerns. For anyone curious about what exactly it is that we say, here’s abortion procedure 101.

And then there's a fairly sterile description of what happens during abortions, focusing on what happens to the woman.

And it's not even terribly real-world at that. It's pretty clinical. To the point of being misleading. Consider the description of the medical/chemical abortion.

This process may take anywhere form 2-9 days in which a woman may experience cramping and bleeding similar to a heavy period.

Sounds reassuring, huh? Except if you followed the story of Angie the Atheist, the woman who live-tweeted her abortion, it didn't quite go off like that. She had to return a few times before her abortion process began, and she took quite a few painkillers to ease the pain. And she had to do all that while taking care of her kid.

This wouldn't exactly put my mind at ease. In fact, I know of another case of a chemical abortion that was rather traumatic.

Clinical information is nothing like real life.

But aside from the issue of what happens to the woman, the information Steph gives SAYS NOTHING about the fetus.

As if the concerns about what happens to the fetus are ancillary.

In describing the first trimester abortion, she says:

A canula, which is a straw-like tube, is inserted through her vagina, through her cervix, and into her uterus, and the pregnancy is removed.

First of all, you can't "remove" a pregnancy. A pregnancy is a state. You're removing a fetus (or several) along with placenta and other "products of conception".

It's like these pro-aborts don't have a clue about the real nature of the debate: WHAT HAPPENS TO THE FETUS?

Then Steph writes with irony:

If a woman decides to have an abortion, medical information will not intimidate her. In fact, many clinics encourage women to gather all the information they can before the procedure so that clinic staff can address questions and concerns. We don’t hide information from women, we provide it to them, and empower them to make informed decisions about their bodies and their future.

You have to scoff at the unintentional humour. Provide the information? You describe an abortion without mentioning what happens to the fetus-- as if that wasn't part of the debate, or part of a lot of women's concerns-- and you claim to provide information?

What a joke.

Then, the icing on the cake. One of the commenters to this post wrote:

As long as people won’t research what an abortion actually is, the movement against it will always exist. Sadly.

She said it with a straight face!

Like the issue of the moral status of the fetus was of no concern.

This is why eventually the abortion rights movement will putter out. They can't address the real issues. You can't keep people in the dark forever. Especially not in this age.