Tuesday, April 27, 2010

This is so screwed up

As the mother an autistic child, this scares the hell out of me:

A couple in Kamloops had their three youngest children removed by the B.C. government after they gave shelter to their violent, mentally ill adult son, who had been turned away from government care.

"We were backed into a corner," said the children's mother, Leah Flagg. "We had to choose between the well-being of one child or our other children."


Trevor was living in a secure youth residence, with 24-hour supervision, when he turned 19. At that point, because he was an adult, the ministry was no longer responsible for him. His parents said they could find no other government agency or community agency to take him in.

"Although they could see he had a need for help, he was turned down, because somebody else needed it more," said Leah.


Trevor also left home — the night his siblings were removed — and his mother said he hasn't returned since.

"He was devastated," said Leah. "He told the social workers that night, don't take the kids away, this is the best mom you will ever see, don't take the kids away — I'll leave."

Son now facing charges

Trevor went to stay with a friend, his parents said. He went off his medication and was taking street drugs. He's now in custody, facing charges for robbery and assaulting a police officer.

"We're now going to visit our son at jail," said Leah.

Both Flagg girls have since returned home. The parents are fighting to get their son home from foster care, though. The 14-year old boy had a nervous breakdown because of all the upheaval, his mother said, and is now in counseling.

"We now have children who now want the doors and blinds closed all the time, because they are afraid people are going to be looking in on us … to take them away."