Between 9 and 10, as most of us stood in the rain across the street from abortion site, Marti, who has much experience counseling pregnant mothers at the Women’s Center next door, stood a short distance from the “clinic.” I prayed that she would somehow get a chance to speak to a woman going for an abortion. I left the prayer site about 9:45 and went in our pro-life centre.
Not long after 10 I met a beaming Marti in the kitchen. “A baby was saved!” she said. She recounted how this mother and daughter (the baby’s grandmother and mother) passed by her going toward the abortion site. Marti was able to speak a few kind words about how they didn’t need to go in there, help was available next door etc. Marti said she felt an “unctioning of the Holy Spirit” as she spoke. The two women, however, continued on and entered the “clinic,” with escorts gathered around.
But 5 minutes later they re-emerged! The escorts seemed a little flustered to see them leaving. They passed by Marti’s way again. The older woman looked at Marti intently and said, “Thank you.” It was obvious something had happened! The Holy Spirit had gotten through! They proceeded into the nearby parking garage. When their car came out and passed by, the young woman looked Marti’s say and smiled. The power of prayer and love made manifest.
A child saved,(...) Who can even begin to measure the value of this?
I've always wanted for a baby saved from abortion to confront the staff and abortionist who were conspiring to procure his death. I always thought that'd be an interesting conversation.
H/T: Stand Your Ground