Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The pro-life angle on those Fetus Gender Detection Kits

A few weeks ago, the press reported on the sale of a new gender detection kit for fetuses. Many worried that these kits could lead to more gender selection abortions.

And no doubt, they are a concern.

However, there is another side to it.

What if Crisis Pregnancy Centres decided to use those kits, in conjunction with ultrasounds, to tell an abortion-minded woman the gender of her child?

One of the things that makes abortion more likely is the anonymity of the child.

So long as the woman conceives of the unborn in the abstract, abortion is seen as a simple "medical procedure".

When the mother learns of the fetus' identity, that decision becomes more difficult.

In the article to which I linked, some couples are suing the makers of this kit because they reneged on their 200 per cent money-back guarantee. One of the plaintiffs said:

Brittany Hayes, who had girls when she expected boys "began to bond on a deeper level with her child and began to call him by his name," the suit contends.

Abortion tries to break that bond between mother and child. Gender identity kits can deepen it.

Now, true, at this point, the gender identity kits are not perfect. But they will be refined. There is a great demand for them. I hope that pro-lifers can see their utility in fighting for the rights of unborn children.