Friday, June 26, 2009

The Joy of Sidewalk Counseling

Well, to my surprise, the girl who had been crying earlier was standing outside on the phone. I immediately approached her and asked what happened because I knew it was too soon for her to have had her abortion.

She explained that her insurance had been denied. I then knew that God had answered my prayers. I remembered she was a Christian so I began talking to her about the Bible and how the book of Jeremiah says that before God formed her in the womb, He knew her, and before she were born, He set her apart for His holy purpose (Jeremiah 1:5). I explained this passage applied to her precious child inside her womb too. She explained to me she would love to keep the child, but she knew she couldn't. She was divorcing her husband, and she already had about half a dozen children, including a newborn. She simply couldn't deal with anymore.

Read the Rest

To think, Joyce Arthur wrote a whole article about these women, condemning them for their hypocrisy, for the "only moral abortion is my abortion" mentality. When in fact, these women know it's wrong, and often do not want the abortion, but they feel trapped and the pro-choicers want to do away with the counselling that might help them see a way out of their predicament. She makes me think of the Pharisees who, having brought the woman caught in adultery before Jesus, waited for him to either stone her, or appear hypocritical in his silence.