Tuesday, April 14, 2009

VIDEO: Racist trash spews hate speech against pro-life witness at Rockford abortion clinic

Major language and content alert: NSFW!

I don't know about you, but when he called the pro-life protesters "psychos!" it made me laugh. The irony was so trenchant.

And what do you think the woman he was shouting at was thinking when he called attention to her?

The Thomas More Society filed hate crimes charges against Rockford resident Keith A. Sterkeson and the abortion clinic proprietor Wayne Webster:

On other occasions, Brejcha said, Sterkeson has pushed Rilott, nearly knocking him off his feet, and he regularly harangues pro-life sidewalk counselors with racist epithets, anti-religious bigotry and homophobic slurs while the counselors are peaceably exercising their First Amendment rights on the public sidewalk outside the Rockford abortion clinic owned by co-defendant Wayne Webster. The amended charges allege that Webster has monitored police radio calls and used his loudspeaker to warn Sterkeson to leave the scene when pro-lifers have called police, thus aiding and abetting Sterkeson’s crimes.

I wonder if this will hold up in court.