The Dominican Republic recently saw fit to enshrine the right to life from conception.
Many pro-lifers are bouyed by this kind of success.
But I think there's reason to be cautious.
The problem is that the constitution protects life, not unborn human beings.
In the liberal mentality, human life is not synonymous with the human person.
If you're a seasoned pro-life debater, you almost have surely come across the argument that it is irrelevant that the embryo is a human being, because he is not a person. Therefore he should not have any rights.
In our day and age, human life is a thing, not a person.
But the woman is a person.
What that means is that since a woman is recognized as a person-- and the embryo is only a "life", some sneaky judicial activists will make that argument in the courts.
The rights of a person trumps the protection of human life.
Crazy as that may sound to you, that's how feminists argue.
And as it is, in many parts of Latin America, this thought process is already being applied, even in jurisdictions where abortion is illegal.
Right to life clauses in the constitution are not full scale protection against legal abortion.
The only thing that will truly protect the unborn child is for a constitution to recognize the unborn and to prohibit discrimination against the unborn.
Short of that, there will always be an open door to legal abortion, and feminists will find it.
One must also consider that in granting citizenship to the unborn, this gives more moral weight to those who fight against UN imposition of abortion.
If the UN is fighting for abortion to be legalized in your country, it's basically being discriminatory and laying the groundwork for a mass killing of your citizens.
The United Nations should not be in the business of promoting the death of the citizens of member bodies. That much should be obvious. Otherwise, how can it be the instrument of peace that it purports to be?
This is why I prefer to call myself a fetal rights activist and fight for the equality of the unborn child, instead of a pro-life who fights for the right to life. There is something of a difference.