Friday, January 23, 2009

Obama in favour of restricting late-term abortion?

I just happened upon Canadian Soapbox, a left-wing blog, which addressed the issue of Obama and late-term abortion.

He quotes a passage in Relevant Magazine in which Obama asserts that he is in favour of the States restricting late-term abortion:

"I have repeatedly said that I think it’s entirely appropriate for states to restrict or even prohibit late-term abortions as long as there is a strict, well-defined exception for the health of the mother. Now, I don’t think that “mental distress” qualifies as the health of the mother. I think it has to be a serious physical issue that arises in pregnancy, where there are real, significant problems to the mother carrying that child to term. Otherwise, as long as there is such a medical exception in place, I think we can prohibit late-term abortions".

But wouldn't FOCA invalidate all that? Why would he override the State bans on late-term abortion if he believes they are legitamite?

And what about partial birth abortion? Would he legalize that procedure?

Lots of questions...