I think this is self-evident. Feminists rely on the government and government-sponsored institutions to achieve their goals.
The problem is not just that their goals are wrong, although that is an issue. The problem is that by making government necessary to their plans, they reduce freedom and corrode natural rights.
In my comboxes, feminists say “As long you leave other women alone, you’re free to do what you please, that’s the essence of feminism.”
That is absolutely not true.
Feminists attempt to influence all kinds of government-sponsored institutions and make feminist thought and practice mandatory. For instance, a number of universities have banned pro-life groups. They take the money of pro-life students and then decide, in the name of the student body, that the expression of pro-life beliefs is essentially misogynistic.
The “live and let live” attitude would be to allow pro-lifers, who contribute to the student union coffers, to express their views.
Instead, they made feminism a mandatory aspect of running that student union.
Another example: Feminists are working towards trying to get physicians’ associations to renounce conscience rights for doctors. While the physicians’ associations are not government-sponsored, the healthcare system is. They are feverishly working trying to make feminist belief mandatory in order to be a doctor in Ontario. If you will not perform or refer for an abortion, a tubal ligation, a vasectomy or if you will only prescribe contraception to certain kinds of women (namely married women) or not at all, then in the minds of the feminists, you should not be allowed to be a doctor.
That’s not “live and let live”.
Another example: the Status of Women agency is making sure the practice of “gender-based analysis” is winding its way through the Canadian bureaucracy. Essentially, it’s trying to get bureaucrats to make sure that all policies are “women-friendly”. That’s code for trying to make sure that all policies conform to feminist beliefs. If you happen to disagree with those beliefs, or if the voters want something entirely different—tough luck, gender-based analysis is a requirement.
Feminism is extremely insidious that way.
If it were a matter of simply being voted in by the voters, at least that would be democratic. But since the mindset of feminism is to never allow anyone to evaluate its tenets, it cannot be democratic. Feminists simply think they’re right because they say so and that entitles them to implement their policies. Which brings me to my next point.