Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Will the US Bishops' "Faithful Citizenship" Document Win the Catholic Vote For Obama?


As I have watched the campaign unfold, especially Obama's outreach to Catholic voters, the USCCB document has played a decisive role. "Faithful Citizenship" provided Obama's Catholic supporters the escape clauses needed to convince Catholics they could vote for a pro-abortion candidate in "good conscience."

There are two major loopholes in the document. First, it states that Catholics are allowed to vote for a supporter of abortion rights so long as 1) they do not intend to support that position (34) or 2) there are offsetting "morally grave reasons" (35).

Many bishops have spoken out forcefully that the document is being abused. Bishop Robert Vasa, for example, points out that voting for a pro-abortion candidate is never justified when the opponent is pro-life. Similarly, Bishops Kevin Vann and Kevin Farrell insist there are no "'truly grave moral' or 'proportionate' reasons, singularly or combined, that could outweigh the millions of innocent human lives that are directly killed by legal abortion each year."

Obama's Catholic surrogates made little note of the corrections. The cat, as they say, was out of the bag when the bishops approved "Faithful Citizenship" at their meeting in November 2007.

American Bishops, for God's sake, DULY CORRECT YOUR FLOCK BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!