Thursday, October 23, 2008

Muslim ex-federal candidate gets threatening phone calls

"I've been getting harassment and phone calls from angry people," he said. "But this isn't faith-based politics; this is a democracy. Everybody has a right to run anywhere in the country

How do you respond to this?

This really angers me.

It's one thing to disagree with a person. If they want to call this candidate a traitor to Islam, that's no skin off my nose.

It's quite another to make threatening phone calls.

Who the hell do these people think they are?

A Canadian citizen has the right to run for any party he pleases with any party platform he chooses, and if you don't like that,then find yourself another country to live in! Maybe you'd be happier living in a non-democratic nation where people get sent to jail for having the wrong opinions!

I hope that these people are tracked down, prosecuted and convicted, and that their names and photos are published so we can shame them.

We cannot tolerate these serious affronts to democracy.

And what is this about "splitting the Muslim vote"?

Are Muslims somehow obligated to vote for Muslims? Can't a Muslim vote for a party or a candidate based solely on their platform, opinions and/or character?

And what the heck is so horrible about a non-Muslim MP? Or is that just code for "he's not Liberal"?

We ought to make an example of these folks.