It is high time to stop pretending that we do not know what this nation of ours is allowing—and approving—with the killing each year of more than 1,600,000 innocent human beings within their mothers. We know full well that to kill what is clearly seen to be an innocent human being or what cannot be proved to be other than an innocent human being is as wrong as wrong gets. Nor can we honorably cover our shame
(1) by appealing to the thoughts of Aristotle or Aquinas on the subject, inasmuch as we are all well aware that their understanding of matters embryological was hopelessly mistaken,
(2) by suggesting that "killing" and "choosing to kill" are somehow distinct ethically, morally or criminally,
(3) by feigning ignorance of the meaning of "human being," "person," "living," and such,
(4) by maintaining that among the acts covered by the right to privacy is the act of killing an innocent human being, and
(5) by claiming that the being within the mother is "part" of the mother, so as to sustain the oft-repeated slogan that a mother may kill or authorize the killing of the being within her "because she is free to do as she wishes with her own body."
There is no right to kill innocent human beings. That's what it boils down to. No amount of "contextualization" changes that.
The past has shown us that those who dehumanize human beings and deny them recognition and equality do so at their own convenience. It was the case with blacks, with Jews, with Indians and now with the unborn.
I know what pro-abortion supporters will say: "But that's different!"
No, it's not different. Fetuses are obviously human beings, and as in the other cases, we have found an excuse to kill.