This is an excerpt of an interview with Bloc Candidate Claude Pilote. It was broadcast on a radio station from Roberval, QC.
In it, he muses allowed that if a Conservative majority government is elected, Stephen Harper would impose military service on fourteen-year-olds, because, you know-- that's how they think out West.
I translated the comments and I tried to remain as literal as possible in transcribing the words. I know the style seems telegraphic, but that's how this candidate speaks--
Claude Pilote: The people are really worried. They are afraid of Harper. I ask myself a question: will one morning—he’s a guy from the Reform Party from the West—Look the West is pushing a lot because in the West there are criminal courts for youth—there are presently 34 of them—and in Quebec we have resources take care of of young people—and I ask myself if--- I’m scared—Look—I’m going as far as this—I wonder if Harper, if he gets a majority won’t impose military service on young people—I’m telling you—
Radio Host: (interrupts) Oh that’s big, mister (meaning, you’re going very far)
Claude Pilote; It is big but—no-no—that’s it—that’s my personal vision. I’m not trying to get the Bloc involved in this. But I ask myself questions. I tell myself: He’s starting to be dangerous this Mr. Harper—okay?
H/T Bleu Québec on Twitter. But you can check out his blog here.