Uncle Sam's Cabin alerted me to an interesting blogpost on the abortion issue.
This requires a bit of background...
The Point of View of an Aspergian is an autism advocacy blog. Judging from the language, I'd say she is an advocate of what is known as "neurodiversity". The neurodiversity movement posits that if you're born on the autistic spectrum, there's nothing wrong with you. You're just different. Autistic behaviours do not need therapeutic attention.
As the mother of one daughter (possibly two) on the austistic spectrum, I strongly disagree with that stance.
POVA warns us that we are coming closer and closer to a prenatal test for autism. And she fears that when that day comes, it will be used to eliminate autistic babies through abortion-- and it won't even be 100% accurate.
We are faced with evil in our time. The specter of eugenics is raising its ugly head once more. The call is now for "Normalcy" a normal race. We all want normailty ?? right? It is the latest ploy to rid the world of its so called undesirables deemed by a few.
Though she is not opposed to abortion in general, the prospect of eliminating autism is a greater evil than restricting abortion:
When we compare that with denying a woman's right to choose, there is no comparison. Genocide is the greater evil. A whole group of people with the devalued genetic signatures will go into the night of history , if we allow this.
Her solution:
Our last stop gap measure until we as a community are more in a position to better advocate for ourselves is to support the lesser of two evils.We need to align and ally ourselves with the prolifers. They have a real shot at making abortion illegal thereby resulting in any and all prenatal test useless. So please join with me and support Mcain/Palin to stop a prenatal test by stopping abortion.
This is a new argument to me, to tell you the truth.
One commenter, Suzanne (not ALL-CAPS) writes:
As a (pro-choice) mother of boys with Autism and Downs, I understand your worry. I was surprised to be offered selective termination after the amniocentesis proved Trisomy21. I know the stat of 90% and that could be true. To me, it means that there aren't Curebie parents to Downies, because the ones who don't want them just don't have them. That will certainly happen to autistics if a prenatal test is developed, especially in a world where Autism is made out to be a thief of children's souls.
Another commenter says:
As a *modern* woman, I used to vote solely on the abortion issue alone (Supreme Court appointees). Now, as a mother, I cannot bring myself to support the Dem party.
I'm with you on McCain/Palin and switched my voter registration this week.
Socrates writes:
This is probably one of the toughest issues we face. One of the biggest suprises for me has been my transition from an absolutist pro-choicer, via an AS diagnosis, to an pro-lifer
For these people, the prospect of the elimination of their minority group is a greater evil than restricting a woman's so-called right to abortion.
I tend to agree, but then I think all individual human beings should have the right to life.
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