Amparo Media, president of Ecuador's Pro-Life Action Foundation, says that she has received a dead rat inside of a shoebox with the message "DEATH TO PRO-LIFERS" as well as a long letter placed at her door threatening to kill her.
The author of the letter, writing under the pseudonym "Commando Salvador Allende", proclaims himself in favor of "21st Century Socialism" and says that "we will no longer permit agents of the extreme right, like you, to block our route" (see inset image of letter).
"Remember that accidents exist," the letter continues, "remember that accidental deaths happen daily in our country. DO NOT CONTINUE YOUR ANTI-WOMAN AND HOMOPHOBIC CAMPAIGN...death to traitors, death to those who oppose the nation, DEATH OR REVOLUTION."
Of course, this is not the left's fault. It'll be an accident.
Leftwingers are never violent and never try to kill anyone. They're progressive.
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