Wednesday, April 30, 2008

They keep saying C-484 confers personhood-- but they never prove it!

Today, another abortion extremist condemns C-484 in the Letters to the Editor section of the Peterborough Examiner:

However it is an even more insidious attack on our constitution and charter because it attempts to do though the back door what could not be done in the open - that is redefine what "a human being" is without any debate or constitutional amendment.

Prove it. They don't. There's no proof. Hardcore feminist opponents of Bill C-484 make legal assertions without any back-up.

If this approach can be used in Canada it can lead, as it has done in the United States, to the 20-year sentence of a woman because she was held accountable for the stillbirth of her fetus (Google Regina McKnight). Such atrocities are only possible when a fetus is designated to be a "human being" (a term which has a very specific meaning in our legal system) and this can only be possible if a pregnant woman is actually two human beings.

Prove that C-484 makes the fetus into a human being.

It doesn't.

If this approach can be used in Canada it can lead, as it has done in the United States, to the 20-year sentence of a woman because she was held accountable for the stillbirth of her fetus (Google Regina McKnight). Such atrocities are only possible when a fetus is designated to be a "human being" (a term which has a very specific meaning in our legal system) and this can only be possible if a pregnant woman is actually two human beings.

The Supreme Court of Canada has stated on numerous occasions that the state has an interest in protecting the fetus. It is not even a matter of defining the fetus as a human being.

Those who voted in support of Bill C-484 are voting to strip women of the equal status they are guaranteed under our Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and our Constitution

Hysteria. Prove it. It's just emotionalism.

I would argue the opposite: if you do not support the notion being deprived of my fetus is a crime, then you oppose women's rights.

and they are doing so without having the honesty to propose and debate the constitutional amendment that is necessary to make such a major change in our society and without the provincial agreements required for such a charter change.

Ridiculous. The Supreme Court said Parliament could legislate on this. I wish people would actually do some research on fetal rights issues before making such ill-informed comments.

Is Canada ready for the form of theocratic fascism that has subverted freedom in the U.S.?

That's demagogy: fearmongering, and hyperbole to persuade people to not support the Bill.

There isn't a single fact in that whole letter.

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