It all started when a feminist decided that there should be a feminist category at the Canadian Blog Awards.
Berlynn of Politcs n Poetry suggested that there be a Best Feminist Blog category.
Now, except for the Progressive and Conservative Categories, there are no ideologically-determined categories.
And what an interesting coincidence, Berlynn was the winner of the Blogging Dippers' Best Feminist Blog. A bit of vested self-interest in suggesting that category? Hm...
So I piped up and said that a category should not be ideologically determined. I was okay with a women's category, or a Gender/Sexuality blog, where people of a wide variety of views could submit their blog.
The organizers of the blog awards seemed to have settled on the latter.
It seems that this is a satisfactory arrangement, but some of the feminists are angry. Seems only they should get their way. And if people such as myself object, then they've taken the reigns well, it's time for a boycott.
When they can't compete and win, they don't want to play. Typical feminists. Watch this. If conservatives win the neutral categories, they're going to complain that the process has been "hijacked".
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