Tuesday, October 16, 2007

40 Days of Life is Saving Lives

The 40 Days of Life in the US is having a real impact:

EL PASO, TEXAS:We are able to confirm 12 babies lives saved. (...)

MARTIN COUNTY, FLORIDA: A young man and girl came up to me with tears in their eyes (They looked 16 or 17). They described how they had decided to abort their 5 month pregnancy. They saw our signs (one with a pregnancy care center and number.) They went and had a ultrasound and discovered that it was a girl.They decided at that time to keep the baby. They wanted us to know, and their words were, "Thanks for being here."


TRI-CITY, MICHIGAN: Last Saturday, Oct.13th, Dave said he has heard of more "saves" in the last few days than in the last 6 months combined.


NEW YORK, NEW YORK: We have discovered that with only a handful of people, and few churches participating with us, you can still make greatstrides to promote and save life. We have been very blessedwith up to 23 Sisters of life on the streets with us inprayer. We have continued to turn around on average 2 or 3 moms from a certain abortion per day, mostly in the South Bronx. Three former abortion clinic workers, discovered uson the sidewalks (1 in the Bronx, 2 in Queens) and expressed deep regrets for their past misdeeds and two will be joining us in our work for Life. We have been able to bring out a brand new batch of ministers, and lay people, mostly new immigrants, mostly Hispanics, especially in Queens, and signed up hundreds for future outreach and sidewalk counseling.


GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA:We talked to one woman who changed her mind and chose life for herself and for her child. We talk to the abortionist and workers and are praying to get them new jobs and pray they talk to a former abortionist about getting out. Our community is growing in love with our God and with eachother and in our commitment to serve our neighbors.


BUFFALO, NEW YORK:On day 2 the abortion mill's drains all clogged up andhalted the killing for 6 STRAIGHT DAYS. All the young peoplewho are coming out... High school and College students andyoung couples. They are an true blessing. We areoverwhelmingly supported by the people driving by.


CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA:Our key victories have been 48 babies that have been savedand one of the abortion worker/provider asked for a bible today and took it into the clinic to share with others.

It goes on and on. Amazing stuff.

Maybe we should have one in Canada.

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