Monday, September 17, 2007

FCP's Bill Murphy calls for accountability in gas taxes

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September 17, 2007


“The closest thing on this earth to eternal life is a government tax,” says Family Coalition Party (FCP) candidate Bill Murphy. “The FCP would reduce gas taxes.”

The Ontario government collects $4.2 billion in fuel tax and license revenue and less than half of that is projected for capital spending on transportation.

In 1998 the province, under the PC government, transferred responsibility for over 5,000 km of roadway to municipalities. Manufacturing is moving to rural areas and agricultural traffic is increasing. Our municipal roads, rural roads and bridges need attention. Northern Ontario roads bear heavy industrial traffic on two-lanes and in nasty weather. This endangers the lives of Northern families.

The John Tory party promises to spend all this gas revenue on transportation. “Yes we need to spend more money on transportation,” says FCP candidate Bill Murphy, “but how much revenue do we need?”

“It does not seem to occur to the Progressive Conservatives that they could reduce the gas tax,” says Murphy.

“We could would invest 50% more money in innovative transportation – like more rail transport, improving mass transit and twinning some highways - and still reduce the load on Ontario taxpayers by a billion dollars,” says Murphy.

Manitoba and Saskatchewan have introduced Gas Tax Accountability Acts that dictate how fuel tax revenues are spent on capital transportation projects. Most of it is spent at the municipal level.

“An Accountability Act would would provide an real tool for 'Truth in Taxes', “ says Murphy. “This would make Ontario roads safer for our families.”

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Al Woosley,
Campaign Manager,

Bill Murphy
FCP Candidate Sault Ste. Marie,

Giuseppe Gori
FCP Party Leader

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