Moments ago, we received another letter from the Canadian Human Rights Commission, dated August 1, 2007, informing us that Marie-Line Gentes has withdrawn her complaint against Free Dominion and requested that the CRHC take no further action against us.
I would like to thank Ms. Gentes for making this move and will assume her motives for doing so were honourable.
(...)3. On July 17th and 23rd 2007, the complainant contacted the Commission advising that she wanted to withdraw her complaint.
It was also noted that the CHRC was recommending NOT to proceed with the investigation!
Score one for Free Speech in Canada!
UPDATE 10:46 PM: From Lifesite
Interestingly enough, said Fournier, the letter also indicated that the complainant had initially asked the CHRC to drop the complaint on July 17, before Free Dominion ever even heard about the complaint, and asked that the complaint be dropped a second time on July 23. When Fournier spoke to the CHRC on July 19, however, several days after Gentes first asked the complaint to be dropped, the CHRC made no mention of that fact, leaving Free Dominion in the dark until today. Free Dominion's lawyer will be investigating this particular issue.
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