Wednesday, July 11, 2007

What if this were the Holocaust?

Michael Denton at For the Greater Glory discusses criticism lobbed at Catholics Against Rudy by Vox Clara.

Vox Clara's beef is that Catholics Against Rudy is "selectively Catholic" in being against Giuliani for his pro-abortion stance, and not his pro-torture stance.

Let's imagine that we're back in 1942 or so. And there's a modern-day Holocaust going on.

Would a presidential candidate's position on torture really matter in the big picture?

There's mass killing going on in every major city and town in North America. And we're worried about torture?

But let's keep things in perspective.

How many people die from torture, as compared to abortion?

How many lives (including those who are born) are affected by torture as compared to abortion?

We have to prioritize issues. No candidate is so perfect that he subscribes to all Catholic doctrines in all their subtlety.

So what should be a bigger priority? State-sanctioned killing of innocent individuals, or the torture of enemy combatants who at least had a fighting chance in the first place? The choice is clear. The killing of innocents is the bigger evil, and the first one to be eradicated.

I do not understand how self-professed Catholics can stand by and wait for some non-existent perfect candidate when there are millions of unborn children being killed every year.

During the Holocaust, bystanders who did nothing for the Jews and others at least had an excuse: they could reasonably expect to be shot if they helped Jews. Catholics do not have that excuse in this day and age. I'm sure there were combatants who were tortured during World War II. Should we have devoted any amount of energy spent on fighting the Holocaust towards that cause?

I think Catholics who try to put lesser issues such as torture, and the environment and other files on the same wavelength do not have a sense of proportion. There's no perfect platform or candidate. The perfect is the enemy of the good.

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