Atlantic Canadian So-Con writes:
It was found that the support for CHP policies surpassed all others with an astonishing 71 per cent. This I believe indicates a party that stands squarely in the centre of public opinion.
However, in the same survey, it was discovered that only 24 percent had ever heard of the Christian Heritage Party. Why? The CHP’s greatest challenge is that the major media generally refuse to publish information about it, (For example, the results of that survey, sent across the nation to all major media, went unreported.). As a result, not enough Canadians have been given the opportunity to even consider the CHP.
Two things:
1. Of those 24 per cent who have heard of the CHP, only a very small percentage vote for the CHP. Why? There is an important psychological component to politics. A candidate, a party is more than just a platform. Personality matters. If you want people to vote CHP, you can't just assume that promoting your policies will work.
2. In the age of the internet, the CHP has no excuse for people not knowing about it. The old line about the MSM ignoring it may have worked in the 1980's, but that's no excuse anymore. If people don't know about the CHP, it's because Chippers haven't gotten off their butts and spread the word in an effective manner (collectively speaking). Why is it that the Chippers were among the last of the parties to have their own blogroll? Where's their group on facebook? Why did it take so long for Chips learn how to blog (the ones that do!)?
It would all be fine and well for the Chips to be luddites if they won elections, but seeing their precarious situation, they should be keeping abreast of every new technological gadget and web tool. But they don't. Which is stupid. I saw Ron Gray's video about the CHP platform. Nice touch. Why did he stop?
It's true the MSM is at fault to some degree. But that's an old excuse. It's nice to paint oneself as a victim to absolve oneself of responsibility. But it doesn't win votes, does it?
Rather than worry about what the rest of the world has done for you, worry about what you could be doing for yourselves!
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