Thursday, June 21, 2007

No FreeBirth? But this is Canada Choice Reigns...

The Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists have warned against the practice of "free birth", whereby mothers give birth to the child without any medical attendant.

Dr. John Crippen, a doctor in the U.K. who writes an award-winning blog, has reacted angrily to freebirth. saying "giving birth is the most dangerous thing that most woman will do during their life."

He believes that if a baby were to die of an avoidable cause during a "freebirth," the mother should be charged with manslaughter. He also argues that babies permanently injured during an unassisted birth should have the right to sue.

Not in Canada. If a woman wants to endanger herself and her full-term fetus by refusing to seek medical attention, that is not subject to any penalty. And Canada's feminist elites will not allow for any protection for the child whatsoever. The full-term babies are part of the woman's body until they exit the birth canal. Then they magically become people. And should they suffer any kind of injury due to the mother's refusal to seek medical attention: tough luck.

Only the mother matters. Unborn babies-- even full-term ones-- have zero rights in Canada.

Personally, I don't think it should be a criminal act to give birth without medical assistance. There are women who give birth unassisted without any negative consequences, and all ends well. I think it's foolish to do so, but if there's no harm done, why should there be any negative consequences?

But if there is harm to the baby, then I think there should be some kind of recourse. Why should the baby suffer because of the mother's negligence?

Alas, in Canada, thanks to the feminist lobby, full-term babies do not matter.

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