Saturday, May 05, 2007

UK MP's prepare to lower abortion limit

After the banning of partial birth abortion in the US, UK MP's prepare to lower the abortion gestation limit from 24 weeks. 21 or 20 weeks is being suggested.

parliamentary battle to cut the time limit on abortions from its current level of 24 weeks is being prepared by MPs.

New technology has shed light on early foetal development
Campaigners plan to "hijack" the Government's forthcoming changes to the law on fertilisation and embryology to stage what would be the first full-scale Commons vote on lowering the legal limit for 17 years.

A leaked memo from Caroline Flint, the public health minister, has revealed that ministers are preparing to be confronted with the incendiary move.

"Leaked memo". I bet someone in her office gave the paper away. You just know it's some outraged poor-choicer who went to the press.

Campaigners will push to amend the Government's Bill to include a section on abortion, which would then be voted on. Whether such an amendment was allowed would be up to the Speaker, Michael Martin.

Sounds like a longshot.

In particular, debate focused on whether late abortions were being carried out on some foetuses which might have survived outside the womb.

Yes. Just take the case of the British baby who was aborted late-term for having a cleft palate.

Dr Ellie Lee, one of the authors of research last month on the reasons why women have late abortions, said many did not realise they were pregnant, especially if bleeding continued during their pregnancy or if they were taking the contraceptive pill.

She said: "If there was a change in the law to reduce the abortion time limit, what we would be saying to these women is, 'Yes you have had a complete shock, you are clear that you do not want to have a child, but we are going to make you anyway."

The alternative being: let's kill a viable unborn child. Yeah, what choice!

How unbelievably callous can you be to send a baby to his demise that way.

With pregnancy, at least it's over in a matter of months. If you can't raise the baby, you can place him for adoption. At least it's better than killing him.

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