I'm posting a link to this article because I thought it was nice roundup of the March, and the coverage given to the abortion issue, recently.
OTTAWA, Canada (CCN) – Concern for human rights and the growing use of abortion for sex selection dominated the annual March for Life May 10.
Canada’s known around the world for its support of human rights, but one right is missing and that’s unborn child’s right to life, Deputy Supreme Knight Dennis Savoie told the estimated nearly 7,000 people on Parliament Hill, the largest crowd in march’s ten-year history. Savoie, a Canadian, said Canada needed more politicians who were pro-life so this gap in the law can be filled.
Priests for Life national director Father Frank Pavone said a country cannot advance social justice, peace on earth or end terrorism unless it “starts at the beginning and stops the killing of the unborn.”
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