Monday, April 23, 2007

UK Doctors don't like doing abortions

I'm back from my trip and catching up on email. I got this in my mailbox:

The NHS abortion service is heading for a crisis because increasing numbers of doctors refuse to carry out terminations, it was claimed.
There has been a big rise in young medics with 'conscientious objections' to abortion.
The increase has been revealed by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.
It says there is evidence of a 'slow but growing problem' of young doctors opting out of abortion training on moral grounds.
Some senior doctors have blamed declining interest on the lack of 'glamour' involved in the work.
This has been dubbed 'dinner party syndrome' where doctors don't want to admit to their friends that they do abortions.

My, my, my. People afraid of revealing they do abortions. What's the matter? Are they ashamed?

But the situation has prompted abortion groups to call for a change in the law which would allow nurses to carry out early surgical and medical abortions - procedures which are technically simple.
A spokesman for Marie Stopes, Britain's biggest private provider of abortions, said this would dramatically increase provision.

That's a great ideas! Have non-doctors performing medical operations! And then when there are complications, they can't handle it themselves. Beautiful idea!
Extracting a tooth is a pretty simple operation too-- I wouldn't let a nurse do it, either.

"Our research published in The Lancet shows nurses and paramedics in Vietnam and South Africa do the work extremely successfully, but they are not allowed to here. This must change."

Yeah, and these two countries are the very envy of the world in terms of health care.
Did I mention Vietnam has one of the highest abortion rates in the world? Yeah, that's something to envy.

The head of the British Pregnancy Advisory Service says:

"Abortion is an absolutely essential, life-saving part of medical care - it may not be the most glamorous medical speciality on the face of it, compared to stem cell research or - but it is seen as heroic work by the women that it helps."

Yeah because in countries where abortion is illegal, women were dying from pregnancy-- NOT.
And how many women thank their abortionists? Seriously? So many women have been hurt by their abortionists. Is there any category of doctor who have hurt more women than abortionists.

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