Jennifer Raper of Boston filed a lawsuit against Planned Parenthood for being too incompetent to kill her unborn child in March, 2004. The woman found out later she was still pregnant and gave birth in December. She's demanding that PP pay for the cost of raising her daughter.
It looks like there is a legal basis for her claim:
The state's high court ruled in 1990 that parents can sue physicians for child-rearing expenses, but limited those claims to cases in which children require extraordinary expenses because of medical problems, medical malpractice lawyer Andrew C. Meyer Jr. said.
You mean, there have been other cases like this one???
Originally she wanted to have the abortion for financial reasons. But somehow she managed to raise the child for the last two years. She's also managed to find a lawyer to take the case. I wonder if she's paying him, or if he is doing this pro bono. That would be an interesting matter to investigate.
The question begs to be asked: why she didn't just give up the baby for adoption? I know, I know, she saw the baby and her heart melted and she figured "we'll find a way".
I suspect she wasn't that poor. And where's the dad in all this? What does he think?
What do you suppose the daughter is going to say when she learns that her mother tried to abort her, and then sued the doctor for having failed to kill her?
If there was a case like this in 1990, it would be very interesting to find the baby involved in that case, since he's probably now an adult, and ask how he feels about abortion.
But, first, this malpractice suit will be screened by a panel to see if it goes to trial. I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't go to trial. Why? Because Planned Parenthood is involved, and there are many people who want to protect the abortion industry.
If there is a silver lining, here, it's that if the mom wins her case, it might drive up the cost of malpractice insurance, thereby sending more abortionists out of business.
Jay at LTI Blog is very ambivalent about the case. I can't say I blame him.
H/T: Expresso Roast Blog.
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