Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Fear Meme

If you get more than 30 you're paranoid.
If you get 21 to 29 you're normal.
If you get 11 to 20 you're almost fearless.
If you get 10 or less you're fearless.
People who don't have any are jerks who want people to think they are tough stuff.
Everyone fears something...

[] homosexual people
[] the dark
[] being single forever
[] being myself in front of others
[] open spaces
[x] closed spaces
[x] heights
[] black cats
[] birds
[] fish
[] ants
[] driving
[x] flying
[] flowers or other plants
[] being touched
[] fire
[] dark water
[] the ocean
[] failure
[] success
[x] thunder/lightning
[] frogs/toads
[] my boyfriend/girlfriend's or (ex) boyfriend/girlfriend's dad
[] my boyfriend/girlfriend's or (ex) boyfriend/girlfriend's mom
[] mice/rats
[x] jumping from high places
[] snow
[] rain
[] my mom
[] wind
[] cotton balls
[] cemeteries at night
[] clowns
[x] large crowds
[] crossing bridges
[x] death
[] dying alone
[] heaven
[] being robbed
[] men
[] women
[] having great responsibility
[] doctors
[] dentists
[x] tornadoes
[] hurricanes
[] diseases
[] snakes
[] sharks
[] guns
[] friday the 13th
[] being stuck where i am
[] ghosts
[] halloween
[] school
[] trains or railroads
[] odd numbers. .except like double digets like 11 cuz there are two of them.
[] even numbers
[] being alone at night
[] being blind
[] being deaf
[] growing up
[] monsters under my bed
[] creepy noises in the night
[] bee stings
[] not accomplishing my dreams/goals
[] blood
[] someone you love or care about getting hurt
[] someone you love or care about hurting you
[] love
[] losing a love
[] spiders
[] feet
[x] needles
[] falling down the stairs
[] drowning
[] ladders
[] necks
[] dinosaurs
[x] roller coasters
Repost "I fear _ out of 81 things"
If you are afraid of something that is not listed please add it and adjust the number

I sure don't feel fearless. Some of my fears are intense-- like heights. I've had several opportunities to go up the CN Tower, and I've never been. The tallest building I've ever been up in is the Complexe G in Quebec City, which is about 31 storeys, and I was really anxious on the elevator ride up. I'm afraid of something bad happening up high, which is also the reason why I fear flying, although I will actually do that because I absolutely have to if I want to get anywhere that's very far.

I used to fear crossing bridges, but I'm okay with that now. Some of my fears are not very intense. Like needles-- I'm almost over it-- as long as the nurse tells me to breathe when she pricks, I'm good. My closed spaces fear is special. I'm okay in small spaces, as long as I'm not "stuck". Like sometimes when it's really cold in the winter and I put up the hood of my coat and I tie a knot that I can't undo, I get positively claustrophobic. If I can't get out, then I feel horrid.

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