Sunday, March 18, 2007

Can. Civil Liberties Assoc. defends Bill Whatcott

Received by email:

Dear Friends:

As most of you know Planned Parenthood Regina decided to sue me and launched a campaign to remove me from the nursing profession in 2002. In November 2004, after a three day trial before the pro-abortion/ pro-homosexual Saskatchewan Licensed Practical Nurses Association Discipline Tribunal I was suspended indefinately from the profession until I served a 45 day suspension and paid a $15,000 fine. I will never pay the fine and unless I win on appeal I will never go back to nursing.

At any rate Tom Schuck my lawyer has been appealing this unjust ruling through the courts and now that we are reaching the Saskatchewan Supreme Court, the Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) decided to intervene. When Mr. Schuck first informed me of the CCLA's decision to intervene in my case I started lambasting them on the phone as I naturally assumed they were intervening for the other side. When I finished my rant, Mr. Schuck informed me they intervened to protect my right to free speech. I was stunned, no matter how reasonable a Christian is, usually the CCLA always intervenes for the baby killers and sodomites. Anyways when your legal bill is $200,000 and most of the Christian Church is no where in sight a guy will take help from wherever he can get it.

God really does bring help from the strangest of places. Other than CCLA counsel Mr. Borovoy stating he "repudiates" Bill Whatcott's statements of opposition to Planned Parenthood, the rest of his affidavit is pretty good. He actually believes I have a right to exist which is bizarre for a left wing, pro-abortion lawyer. For those interested in the CCLA's Factum and Affidavit on my behalf I attached it to this message for you to read.

In Christ's service
Bill Whatcott
Executive Director of the Social Reformation

I have to respect the CCLA's impartiality.

I wonder if this will make it to the Supreme Court. Now that would be an interesting case.

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