Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Amnesty UK vote rejects fighting for abortion

From Save Amnesty:

Question 1 Do you agree that Amnesty International should develop policy to enable research and action to achieve the following: - decriminalisation of abortion - access to quality services for the management of complications arising from abortions - access to abortion in cases of rape, sexual assault, incest, and risk to a woman’s life Yes: 45.4% No: 45.7% Undecided: 8.0% No answer: 0.8%

Question 2 Are there any further circumstances under which AI should develop policy on abortion? eg risk to mother’s health, severe foetal development, sex-selective abortions, unwanted pregnancy in forced or early marriages etc Yes: 31.1% No: 42.6% Undecided: 8.0% No answer: 18.4%

Question 3 Should Amnesty International take the view that a woman’s right to physical and mental integrity (her safety and health) includes her right to terminate her pregnancy within reasonable limitations, if she chooses to do so? So abortion should be legal, safe and accessible for all women? Yes: 35.3% No: 52.8% Undecided: 9.6% No answer: 2.3%

Still, these results will be debated at the AGM next weekend.

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