Sunday, March 18, 2007

Abortion museum opens in Vienna

A unique kind museum opened in Vienna this week. Everything inside revolves around contraception and abortions, and the museum attempts to go beyond any other collection in any other nation.

The initiator of this museum is Christian Fiala, a doctor who has directed a clinic for abortions and family planning in Vienna for the past 10 years. Fiala is seen as a missionary for women’s health and is the chairman of the International Association of Abortion and Contraception Specialists.


I do not see any mention in the article of any pictures of aborted fetuses. Pro-lifers are often accused of faking pictures of aborted fetuses. So why not educate the public as to what actual pictures of aborted fetuses look like? That would surely be informative? And since this museum is run by the chairman of the International Association of Abortion and Contraception Specialists, she would certainly have some pictures on that topic (or find some).

No poor-choicer that I know of has ever taken up that challenge. I wonder why...After all, do they want the public to know the truth or not?

"Today we believe that if we discuss abortions or the laws that govern them that it is solely about the rights of the fetus.

If he had rights. But he basically has none. Certainly not in Canada. He's not acknowledged in most constitutions in the Western World.

But we forget that a fetus cannot live unless it inside a healthy woman. And that there is no one other than the woman herself of can or should make any decisions about her pregnancy."

I love this hypocrisy. All this concern for a healthy fetus, when abortion is about the least healthy thing for the fetus.

Women are not infallible when it comes to decisions about fetuses, medicine or even their own selves. I'm all for letting women have some margin of error about their pregnancies, as long as they don't irrevocably harm, or kill, another. That's the problem. The feminists don't treat the fetus as another. He's a nothing to them.

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