I've been poking around the internet doing a bit of research on abortion, and I fell on the web page for the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada webpage.
One thing you must know about the Abortion Lobby in Canada is that it says everyone in Canada must accept all abortions (and fund them!) no matter what the reason. In the eyes of the abortion lobby: women are infallible when it comes to making decisions about abortion. They can never do any wrong. Even if you disagree with them.
And they strictly do not care about the consequences of those decisions.
Case in point?
The ARCC says that Canada must not restrict sex-selected abortions. Never mind that China and some parts of India have incredibly lop-sided gender imbalances because of sex-selction abortion.
No, abortions must NEVER be questioned.
The consequences of allowing such policies are of no consequence to them. The ONLY FACTOR that matters it that women be considered infallible wrt to fetuses. If their individual decisions have horrendous repercussions for society, well that is just too bad, the rest of us have to suffer for it.
Let alone the unborn children. For whom they have ZERO consideration. Their hearts are completely callous to their suffering.
They may say we're fetus fetishists. But they certainly are on a one-track mind when it comes to abortion.
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