Thursday, February 08, 2007

LA Bishop doesn't know Pelosi's abortion stance

In what is likely to be viewed as the most bizarre statement in the interview Niederauer says he does not understand House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s stand on abortion. Rated by the National Abortion Right’s Action League as 100% in support of abortion, Pelosi has for years been a leading abortion proponent while continuing to call herself Catholic.

One of the show hosts described Pelosi as “not only pro-choice, but she would be someone who would be working to try to keep abortion legal.” The Archbishop was asked, “In your view is she less of a Catholic because of that?” He replied saying about Pelosi, “We haven’t had an opportunity to talk about the life issues. I would very much welcome that opportunity, but I don’t believe that I am in a position to say what I understand her stand to be, if I haven’t had a chance to talk to her about it.”


I think the good bishop is being obtuse. He mustn't read the pro-life press.

Sometimes I despair of the bishops. When, when, when are we going to get bishops who are going to crack down on pro-abortion Catholics?