Sunday, February 25, 2007

It's time for MP's to grow up

The recent behaviour of Members of Parliament has not impressed me. I realize that to a degree, Question Period will be a show, and that showmanship matters to attract attention to a cause.

But the behaviour of certain MP's towards the Prime Minister as he attempted to read out an article in response to a question was over the top.

I omitted to name names, especially party names, on purpose. This is not about who is right or wrong. The outraged MP's could be completely in the right; that does not justify pounding on desks and chanting like a bunch of adolescents.

Now, to be fair, MP's on the government side have not been entirely without fault, either. Obscene gestures and rude comments have been made by them as well.

I am calling on MP's to exercise more self-control and decorum in their parliamentary proceedings. The boorish behaviour must stop. By all means, try to make your Question Period interesting-- but with civility. A witty repartee is not out of order. A humourous play on words is fine. Gratuitous insults, chanting, rudeness is not acceptable.

Are we going to have to send MP's to charm school to learn their manners?

I realize there's a short term opportunity cost to this, as boorish behaviour can attract attention to one's cause. But in the long term, it will only lead to the general decline in the political climate, and that is not a price I want to pay for that opportunity.

So please MP's: Grow Up.

Bloggers: if you feel the same way, please consider blogging on this issue and joining the Enough!!! campaign. Post an icon on your blog and submit your post. Make sure you call on other bloggers to do the same.

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